This forum is a free forum where you can discuss many topics from science to entertainment, but there are some rules. The first rule is that you must post an comment that relates to the area you are posting in. This means if you are in the Space section, you are not allowed to post something about Anatomy, and vice versa. The second rule is that you are not allowed to insult other users, whether they are another troll or not. You can make jokes, but if you insult that user in any way, that post will be deleted. If you find a user who made a mistake about something, feel free to correct them, but make sure it is in a polite way. If you insult them, this will be classified as a breach in the rules. The third rule is about links. If you wish to show another user something that relates to the topic you are allowed to make a link, but if it is inappropriate, it will be deleted. If you break any of the rules above, you will warned by a moderator/admin via PM. If you repeat you will warned again, and be red flagged. This means that the admins/mods have full acess to what you are doing on the forum. If you break any of those rules again, you will be IP banned. Any large offender of these rules shall be immediatly IP banned and will be reported to Xobors staff.
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